The PDO Riviera Ligure – Riviera dei Fiori Certification
The San Martino Mill can boast within its production a valuable extra virgin olive oil PDO Riviera Ligure – Riviera dei Fiori; this means that our oil meets all the characteristics and has passed all the tests to be the proud holder of the Protected Designation of Origin, specifically:
• it is an extra virgin olive oil obtained from olive groves with at least 90% of Taggiasca variety olives;
• production takes place in the area of the Riviera dei Fiori, ie (according to specification) all areas of the municipalities of: Cervo, Ranzo, Caravonica, Lucinasco, Camporosso, Chiusavecchia, Dolcedo, Pieve di Teco, Aurigo, Ventimiglia, Taggia, Costa Rainera, Pontedassio, Civezza, San Bartolomeo al Mare, Diano San Pietro, Vasia, Pietrabruna, Pornassio, Vessalico, Molini di Triora, Borgomaro, Diano Castello, Imperia, Diano Marina, Borghetto d’Arroscia, Cipressa, Castellaro, Dolceacqua, Cesio, Chiusanico, Airole, Montalto Ligure, Castel Vittorio, Isolabona, Vallebona, Sanremo, Baiardo, Diano Aretino, Badalucco, Ceriana, Perinaldo, Prelà, Pigna, Apricale, Villa Faraldi, Vallecrosia, S. Biagio, Bordighera, Soldano, Ospedaletti, Seborga, Olivetta S. Michele, Rocchetta Nervina, Carpasio, San Lorenzo al Mare, Santo Stefano al Mare, Riva Ligure, Pompeiana, Terzorio, Aquila d’Arroscia, Armo, Rezzo, San Biagio della Cima, Cosio di Arroscia, Montegrosso Pian Latte, Mendatica;
• each phase of the production process is monitored and documented to guarantee the origin of the product along the entire supply chain;
• the cultivation characteristics comply with the rules of the PDO Riviera Ligure – Riviera dei Fiori;
• the characteristics of the final product correspond to the unique and inimitable characteristics of the Protected Designation of Origin, in particular:
1. colour: from yellow to yellow-green
2. taste: fruity, with a strong sensation of sweet and light bitter or spicy sensation
3. maximum total acidity in oleic acid: no more than 0.5 grams per 100 grams of oil
• the food has an indissoluble link with the history and the environment of the territory in which it is produced, in this case the olive oil tradition that has been an integral part of Ligurian culture since ancient times.
Read the policy document for the PDO Riviera Ligure – Riviera dei Fiori
Il Frantoio San Martino is part of the Consortium for the Protection of Extra Virgin Olive Oil PDO Riviera Ligure: